Wednesday, July 4, 2012

And the winner is.....

I've written before about a team I've joined on Etsy, the Promotional Frenzy Team.  We are a group of 85 sellers with a variety of product, who come together to promote each other's products on Etsy and on the Internet.  Our team leaders have put together several promotions to help all of us with the Christmas in July retail season. 

One of those promotions is a daily contest on Pinterest.  All that is required to enter the contest is to comment on the image.  I invite you to check out our board here for the daily offerings.  My giveaway was on Monday, and unfortunately, I did not realize mine would be featured so soon, which is why my blog posting was extremely and unusally brief. 

Regardless, today I have the opportunity to inform you that the winner is.....

Gari Anne Kosanke of Bead Lovers Korner!

Thank you to everyone who entered.  There  are some wonderful products being offered by the team - watch the board and enter for your chance daily!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Pinterest contest!

Want a chance to win a free candle? Follow the link here for instructions and more information!

Click here to go to the contest site
Good luck!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Treasuries: Etsy's Member Curated Finds

Many people outside the Etsy world don't see a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes of many of the shop owners. Aside from the natural talent so many shop owners possess, quite a few also possess the ability to create "treasuries", or shopping list ideas for potential buyers. I am so lucky to be featured in these treasuries, and wanted to use today's blog posting not only to share these beautiful features with my readers, but also to thank the artisan curators for including my products.

 Please click on one or more of the treasuries below and go shopping!

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